Across Languages and Cultures. A Multidisciplinary Journal for Translation and Interpreting Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, Dec. 2008,
pp. 301-304. On: Hunglish into English. A Modern Guide for Modern Students, by Judith Szöllősy.
American Book Review, Vol. 17, No. 5, June/July 1996. "Exquisite Pornography."
Péter Esterházy, A Little Hungarian Pornography reviewed by Christian Moreau.
Babelguides website, http://www.babelguides.co.uk/ (Various)
Endre Ady, Neighbours of the Night reviewed by Z.E.,
István Örkény, One Minute Stories reviewed by R. K.,
Budapest Week. "Falling in Love with Péter Esterházy." Article on She Loves Me by David Remy, Nov., 1997.
István Örkény, One Minute Stories,
György Dalos, The Circumcision,
Péter Esterházy, Not Art,
CyberPress. On the production of Arthur Miller, The Ride Down Mt. Morgan (Lefelé a hegyről), Sopron premiere, 2006, http://cyberpress.sopron.hu/article_plain.php?id=13017
Daily Telegraph. "Discord in the Spheres." Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies reviewed by Menjamin Markovits, May 29, 2004.
Danny Yee's Book Reviews, http://dannyreviews.com/ (Various)
György Dalos, The Circumcision,
Péter Esterházy, The Book of Hrabal,
Netting America. On: Dragonweb,
Élet és Irodalom:
"Esterházy Péter Egy nő című regényének külföldi fogadtatásáról," n.d.;
"Fontos, nagyszabásó revelatív könyv," April 3, 1998;
Celestial Harmonies, Aug. 13, 2004;
"Esterházy Péter mint tananyag" by Ivan Sanders, March 30, 2007.
Esti Hírlap. "Hrabal könyvének új élete," Jan. 3, 1995.
Eurozine Magazine Roundup. János Háy, The Assimilationist, Aug. 24, 2009, http://www.signandsight.com/features/1911.html
Genre Go Round Reviews, including Péter Esterházy, Not Art by Harriet Klausner, Jan. 20, 2010,
Globe & Mail. "Hungarian Rhapsody." Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies reviewed by Stephen Henigham, n.d.
Guardian Unlimited. Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies reviewed by Julian Evans, Aug. 16, 2004,
Harriet Klausner's Review Archive, http://harrietklausner.wwwi.com/index_author_p.html (Various, including:))
Péter Esterházy, Not Art, Feb. 16, 2010
The Wall in My Head anthology,
Hungarian Literature Online (hlo.hu), http://www.hlo.hu/ (Various, including:)
An Island of Sound. Hungarian Poetry and Fiction Before and After the Iron Curtain, reviewed by Tim Wilkinson.
In Medias Res website: "And he's got diacritics." On Péter Esterházy, She Loves Me,
"The breath of freedom - Péter Esterházy: Not Art" by Mátyás Dunajcsik, July 13, 2010
Jewish Exponent. "Identity Crisis. How to Survive in the Postwar World." Article including György Dalos, The Circumcision, by Robert Reiter, Feb. 8, 2007
Journal Sentinel. "Hungary's tale told a sentence at a time." Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies review by David Walton, March 27, 2004.
Kirkus Reviews website, http://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/fiction/:
Péter Esterházy, A Little Hungarian Pornography;
Péter Esterházy, Not Art.
KonTextus.hu. Ken Ludwig, Leading Ladies (Káprázatos kisasszonyok) at the Csiky Gergely Theatre, Kaposvár
Literature Online, A Website for the Independent Literary Community: Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies, 2004
Los Angeles Times Book Review:
"The Heart of the Matter." Article on Péter Esterházy, She Loves Me, The Glance of Countess Hann-Hann, Helping Verbs of the Heart, A Hungarian Quartet, A Little Hungarian Pornography, The Book of Hrabal, by Thomas McGonigle, n.d.;
"Reinventing the novel in a family history: Celestial Harmonies." Péter Esterházy's novel reviewed by Thomas McGonigle, March 15, 2004;
"Not Art. A Novel." Péter Esterházy's book reviewed by Martin Rubin, April 11, 2010
Magyar Nemzet. "A Hrabal könyve Londonban" (The Book of Hrabal in London), by Sz. .Z., Dec. 7, 1993.
Moderato website. "The breath of freedom - Péter Esterházy: Not Art." July 13, 2010
New Statesman & Society. "A Little Hungarian Pornography." Péter Esterházy's novel reviewed by Peter Whittaker, Aug. 11, 1995.
New York Sun. Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies, April 11, 2004.
Newpages.com Literary Magazine Reviews. The Chattahoochee Review, Vol. 26 No. 1, Fall 2005 (guest edited by Judith Sollosy) reviewed by Jim Scott http://www.newpages.com/magazinestand/litmags/reviews_archive_2006/2006_8/auglitmagreviews.htm
Newsday. "Before the revolution - and after." Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies reviewed by Stuart Klawans, March 14, 2004.
Publishers Weekly. Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies, February, 2004.
Review of Contemporary Fiction:
Péter Esterházy, A Little Hungarian Pornography reviewed by Brooke Horvath, June 1996;
Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies reviewed by James Crossley, Sept. 22, 2004.
Slate. "A Cheeky Work of Postmodernist Genius. Forget Ulysses. Read Celestial Harmonies," by Aleksandar Hemon, June 29, 2004, http://www.slate.com/id/2103094/.
The Australian. Péter Esterházy, The Book of Hrabal, n.d.
The Boston Globe. Péter Esterházy, She Loves Me reviewed by Bill Marx, Jan. 8, 1998.
The Canberra Times. "A sense of absurdity in the shadow of Stalinism." On Péter Esterházy's A Little Hungarian Pornography by Gigi Santow, Apil 1, 1995.
The Compulsive Reader website. Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies reviewed by Bob Williams, May 12, 2004 http://www.compulsivereader.com/html/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=684
The Dallas Morning News:
"A nation with many, many fathers." Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies reviewed by David Walton, Apr. 23, 2004;
"Family first, history second: Celestial Harmonies" reviewed by Karey Harrison. Also on SFGatge.com.
The Guardian. György Dalos, The Circumcision reviewed by Elena Seymenliyska, May 27, 2006,
The Hungarian Quarterly, #138. Péter Esterházy, The Book of Hrabal reviewed by Ivan Sanders.
The Independent. "Dancing Into History." Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies reviewed by Ruth Pavey, 30 April, 2004.
The Independent Monthly (Australia). Péter Esterházy, The Book of Hrabal, n.d.
The Independent. "Hungary's purse is bursting with riches." Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies reviewed by Boyd Tonking, April 30, 2004.
The Jewish Daily Forward. György Dalos, The Circumcision reviewed by Joshua Cohen, Sept. 15, 2006.
Also at http://www.forward.com/articles/3895/, Aug. 27, 2008.
The London Times. The Book of Hrabal and other works by Péter Esterházy reviewed by Tibor Fischer, n.d.
The Modern World Book Review. Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies reviewed by Bob Williams, April 4, 2004.
The National Post. Péter Esterházy, Not Art reviewed by Michel Basilières, March 13, 2010. Also at The Afterword website: http://network.nationalpost.com/NP/blogs/afterword/archive/2010/03/13/book-review-not-art-by-p-233-ter-esterh-225-zy-translated-by-judith-sollosy.aspx
The New Republic. "Celestial Harmonies: A Novel," reviewed by Michael Andre Bernstein, April 12-19, 2004.
The New York Times Book Review:
"How God Looks From Hungary." Péter Esterházy, The Book of Hrabal reviewed by Susan Miron, Nov. 13, 1994;
A Little Hungarian Pornography reviewed by James Polk, Nov. 19, 1995;
"The Oldest Obsession." She Loves Me reviewed by Adam Phillips, Dec. 21, 1997
"Fathers and Sons." Celestial Harmonies reviewed by Neil Bermel, May 30, 2004;
Not Art reviewed by Alison McCulloch, May 16, 2010
The New Yorker:
"Gender Benders. Naughtiness in the post-Communist world." Péter Esterházy, A Little Hungarian Pornography reviewed by John Updike;
She Loves Me, May 25, 1998;
Not Art, April 12, 2010 (in Books Briefly Noted).
The Observer. "Fabulous Tales. The Book of Hrabal." Péter Esterházy's novel reviewed by W.L. Webb, Jan. 12, 1994.
The Quarterly Conversation Website. The Wall in My Head. Words and Images from the Fall of the Iron Curtain, reviewed by Karen Vanuska,
The Review of Contemporary Fiction:
Péter Esterházy, A Little Hungarian Pornography reviewed by by Brook Horvath, June 22, 1996;
Celestial Harmonies reviewed by James Crossley, Sept. 22, 2004.
The Small Press. Péter Esterházy, She Loves M, reviewed by David L. Ulin.
The Spectator. Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies reviewed by Adam Zamoyski, May 8, 2004.
The Times Literary Supplement:
Péter Esterházy's She Loves Me reviewed by Lawrence Norfolk, July 18, 1997;
"New fiction from New Europe." Celestial Harmonies reviewed by Joanna Kavenna, 29 April, 2004.
The Toronto Star. "A father-and-son reunion. Hungarian novelist ponders what's lost." Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies, reviewed by Michel Basilières, April 18, 2004.
The Washington Post. Péter Esterházy, Celestial Harmonies reviewed by Dennis Drab, April 11, 2004.
Three Percent Weblog, http://www.rochester.edu/College/translation/threepercent/: Péter Esterházy's A Little Hungarian Pornography reviewed by Chad W. Post;
"Reading the World 2008." Péter Esterházy's Celestial Harmonies, July 11, 2008
Words without Borders. "Péter Esterházy's Celestial Harmonies," reviewed by Radhika Jones, 2007,
World Literature Today:
Péter Esterházy's The Book of Hrabal and A Little Hungarian Pornography, reviewed by Klara Györgyei, March 22, 1996;
Celestial Harmonies and Not Art (Sept.-Oct., 2010), reviewed by Ivan Sanders.