Current Projects
Péter Esterházy. ESTI (2010). Novel.
For an excerpt see Words without Borders, August, 2010,
Status: Currently being translated, looking for a publisher.
Péter Esterházy. CORRECTED EDITION (Javított kiadás, 2002). Novel.
For an excerpt see The Wall in My Head. Words Without Borders Anthology.
Words and Images from the Fall of the Iron Curtain, University of Rochester, 2009.
and PEN America blog, 2010.
Status: Currently being translated, looking for a publisher.
Éva Fahidi. ANIMA RERUM. (2005). Novel.
Status: Translated, looking for publisher.
Ervin Lázár. THE LITTLE TOWN OF MIRACLES (Csillagmajor, 1998). Short story novel.
For printed and electronic sources see "Miscellaneous Literary Translations"
Status: Looking for a publisher.
Lajos Parti Nagy. HEROES SQUARE (Hősöm tere, 2000). Bizarre novel about pigeons ploting a takeover of the country by using the methods of the secret police.
Status: Partly translated, looking for a publisher.
Noémi Szécsi. COMMUNIST MONTE CRISTO (Kommunista Monte Cristo, 2008).
For an excerpt see Words without Borders, August, 2010, http://wordswithoutborders.org/
Status: Exerpts translated, looking for a publisher.
Sándor Tar. GREY GIGEON. A NOVEL OF SIN (Szürkegalamb. Bűnregény, 1999). Mystical crime novel.
Status: Currently being translated, looking for a publisher.
Sándor Tar. OUR STREET (A mi utcánk, 1996.). Short story novel.
For printed and electronic sources see "Miscellaneous Literary Translations"
Status: Looking for publisher.
Anthology of contemporary Hungarian women writers writing on the body, mothers, fathers, babies, and sundry other things, often with a great deal of humor and the bizarre. Status: Under compilation.