Links of Interest
Netting America: Introduction to the Culture and Literature of the United States (Chapters 5 - 6, the 20th Century) http://america.bibl.u-szeged.hu/ or Google Netting America
Words without Borders, Hungarian issue, August, 2010 http://wordswithoutborders.org/
YouTube. Péter Esterházy reads from "Celestial Harmonies" at the 92nd St. Y, March 1, 2010
István Örkény: Going to Bed Hungary video
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/people/Judith-Sollosy/1058028969
LinkedIn http://hu.linkedin.com/pub/judith-sollosy/23/b94/125
Hungarian Academy of Arts http://www.mmakademia.hu/auraHU.php
Association for Women's Career Development in Hungary http://www.noikarrier.hu/
Google Books